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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Imperial Rhino Stout 2011 - Tasting Notes

mmmm so thick
Seeing as how I've been slowly drinking this for a while and have BeerGunned the a few bottles to give out to friends I decided it was about time to set aside a glass and take some tasting notes..

Appearance: Poured from the Crate it forms a nice thick light-tan meringue like head.  The color is very dark but also very clean and clear on the edges.  Laces the edge of the glass extremely well hand on them.

Aroma:  Most pronounced right now is the coffee notes which are plesently earthy.  Some light roastiness is present and a very sutle hop character especailly when swirled. Some minor pine notes from the Simcoe are present as it warms.

Very thick and viscous, full bodied with everything I love in a stout.  It is not overly thick or sweet like I've found Dark Lord to be but nowhere near the all encompassing thickness that is Cigar City's Marshal Zhukov. 

Taste: Coffee is pronounced with a nice balanced level of bitterness. I love the subtle roast notes that I pick up.  The flavor profiles from the two varieties of coffee are present and in balance. I'm really enjoy the level of sweatness and roast.

Overall: I am as pleasantly surprised with this years version as I was last years.  It's been nice to slowly sample the beer as it's progressed.  My plan is to BeerGun and wax the remaining in 12 oz bottles similar to what I did with the Wookiee from the BrewCommune Barrel Brew.

Some examples of the bottles I've done so far

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking that it is about time for me to do an Imperial Stout.


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