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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hess Brewing

Hess Brewing is an awesome nano-brewery located in San Diego that I've been trying to check out for well over a year.  What's a nano-breweryy ou ask?  Think of the old term Microbrewery from the late 90s and vastly shrink it.  Well not exactly.  The definition that many are using for nano-brewery, including Hess, is a brewery which not only brews small batches (51 gallons in Hess' case) but is not the owner's full time job.  Hess was founded in 2010 by Mike Hess a homebrewer since ‘95.  The complete oddassy can be found on Hess' Blog (which I've linked to post 1).

I love this glass
There is a lot I personally love about Hess Brewing, but first and foremost is the hope it gives to someone like myself who honestly can see myself doing something similar one day.  The model just makes sense to me, I understand the added work involved but when it's something you love to do, is it really work?

Overall Hess is about the size of my garage at 800 ft2 and has a really great feel to it.  They are tremendously dialed in when it comes to overall image.  Their logo looks great and all fits extremely well into the overall look and feel of the place.  I love the posters they have throughout the place.  This is definiately the kind of place where it's cool to be a homebrewer as it fits nicely between the stuff you'll find at most homebrewers homes and a comeriacal brewery.

I only had one beer while I was there but did have it in an awesome take home glass.  It didn't hurt that it was one of my favorite styles of glasses.  

Reminds me of my workbench
In the end I'm left wondering, is this the more realistic future of SNB Brewing?  I honestly hope that I can make the answer to that question a yes.  The real issue currently is more time sensitive then anything. In the meantime I plan on getting down to Hess a couple more times for more excellent brews and inspiration.



Additional Pictures
It's not a large place
The kettles including a whirlpool
The coldbox/tap wall that they bought off Craigslist

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